星期三, 4月 26, 2006

Online Garage Sales
1.Introduction: What’s meaning of “Online Garage Sales”?
2.Garage sale is famous around the world.
Ans:American to Chinese
3.How do we get engaged in online purchase?
4.Which advantage………..
5.Which disadvantage………

星期三, 4月 05, 2006

所謂的「吞世代」是指目前八到十四歲的兒童,也就是民國79年到85年出生的「八年級」生。他們雖然年紀小,也沒經濟能力,但卻很有自己的意見,因而影響了父母親 60%的購買決定,被視為是「消費小巨人」。
 「吞世代」(Tweens)是由teens與weens組成。前者是指青少年,後者原字是「weenybopper」,形容穿著時髦、迷戀流行音樂的小孩。這股新勢力,對科技、品牌、金錢、與塑膠貨幣的使用,遠超出想像,並不斷地吞吃大量的資訊。對他們來說,電子媒體已經成為整體生活的一部分,互動與及時是追求的兩大特點。 網際網路是吞世代的最佳推手,藉著網路,他們與世界零距離。也因為這一代喜歡用網路聊天交朋友,簡單易懂的統一語言也應運而生。許多即興非正式的語法、辭彙也不斷地推陳出新,且突顯獨特風格,往往都是在字典裡找不到的。「錯字一堆、充斥簡寫」也就成了吞世代的專利。


Generation N
Today, some people are called “Generation N”. It is mean Net Generation. They are also called Mobile Generation. They are born afer1975. This group is used to use computer and internet to do what they want to do. Just like shopping, booking. Accordingly, they are quite impatient. So this group passes for strawberries. Because they value their fun, have low resistance and stability.
No matter what you think about Generation N. Next generation is belonged to them. It is their world. So you should provide this youth with a little more encouragement and appreciation.
In fact, the following generation may not be any worse than the previous one, even though they may uphold different work ethics and values. Just like the “Tweens”(吞世代). It is a combination of teenager and weenybopper. Maybe they will be called strawberries by Generation N in next decade.